Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you guarantee your handbags are authentic?

Each of our handbags is authenticated through Entrupy's Luxury Authentication service. Entrupy certifies the authenticity of each of our handbags by using an objective, scientifically proven approach. Entrupy rigorously evaluates every single one of our handbags by using A.I. software and professional authenticators to ensure each item is authentic.

The Renaître is committed to only offering guaranteed authentic handbags to our community. Our customer trust is our top priority and we welcome any authenticity questions you may have.

*All brands are registered trademarks of their respective brand. The Renaître is not affiliated with any brand sold on this site.*

2. What does each handbag purchase include?

Each handbag purchase includes an Entrupy Certificate of Authenticity. Unless otherwise noted in the product description, handbags do not include any other items.

3. How do I cancel my order?

The Renaître does not offer any cancellations. All sales are final. Per product description, please be sure to ask any and all questions using the contact button or emailing prior to purchase.

4. When will I receive my handbag?

All purchases are processed in 1-2 business days. All orders are shipped via USPS and you will receive a tracking notification once your item has been shipped. All handbag purchases require a signature confirmation upon delivery. Please note: all packages are subject to USPS shipping timeline. The Renaître is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.

5. What happens if my handbag is lost?

The Renaître is not responsible for lost, damaged, late or stolen packages. If your item is lost, damaged, or late, please contact USPS. You may also contact us at and we will do our best to try to assist in anyway possible.
To prevent undeliverable packages or packages being shipped to the wrong address, please double check your shipping address prior to purchase. We are unable to cancel an order or change a shipping address once an item has been purchased.

6. How do I contact The Renaître?

You may contact us at anytime by emailing, using the "contact us" link underneath the Faq box, or by using the "Contact Us" link on the bottom of our homepage. We try our best to respond to all emails within 24 hours.

Didn't find what you were looking for? We may be able to find it for you! Feel free to contact us at any time!